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lundi 22 juin 2009


Sometimes there are strange things in nature, things unexplainable by scientists. They have art and matter (gray matter) of them. We will see later some observations Bookman.
But more strange is when coincidences about the man or the society in which he lives, which are perceived as too late, for a fraction of the population, or even ever.
The names listed below are in no way, a link between them, it's just that distraction by Bookman provides a rationale to him, he loves to share.
Do you know Mr. Drummond?
It is very nice if you knew him, He is the Deputy Director for Google.
His name did he destined to become what it is?
Coincidence, the translation of his name in french is: call the world to the drum.
Bookmanie has addressed in his blog Mr. Madoff. Him, everyone is who he is, I suppose?
Well, the translation of the name in french gives: Make something (made, make) a circuit to cut (cut off = voltage) ... Bookmanie.

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