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mardi 16 mars 2010


"I learned to play the guitar as an autodidact, before scientists discovered the physicists' string theory,"

4 commentaires:

  1. That is fascinating, Bookmanie!
    I have a violin and a dvd for beginners. When I finish painting the kitchen and office that is my next project.
    It is fun to see your Bookmanie Tweets scroll by at the left of your page. You have a lot of friends!

  2. Thank you Lydia. You write about what? now?

  3. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  4. C'est bien d'être autodidacte, surtout si on a une belle notion du son, on se fie à son oreille , tout est fait à l'instinct, à vue. Bravo ! Bonne journée


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